Hello everyone - Dad's working the blog this week!! Before we go into it, I just have to tell everyone the big news: I won both of my fantasy football leagues this year!!!! Woop woop! Anyway, I hope everyone had a wonderful Xmas and Happy New Year!! Ours was a wild time (!!!), as the pictures below surely can attest.
Thankfully, the Kemp side didn't get it too bad, Huddy got to enjoy all his Christmas gifts right away. He had a blast, I swear, just not when he was being held, apparently.
Also on Christmas, Hudson decided to show everyone his new trick that he learned. We are starting to teach Huddy all the body parts and there is one in particular that he revels in showing us with gusto. We say "Hudson, where's your belly button?" and he gives a quick smile before throwing up his shirt to show us his entire physique and twirling around for the audience to see. Ladies man, or what?!!?!
And Anderson had to get into the act and show us he knew where the belly button was too!
I think Lolly & Pop went present crazy this year. Also, notice the Christmas tree. I told Lolly it looks like a drag-queen tree - as if it were decorated by RuPaul. In a word, flamboyant. I think my comment made her like it even more, though.
All those presents didn't bother the kiddos one bit. Hudson LOVED all the presents. It didn't matter whose present it was, after it was opened Hudson would throw his hands up and exclaim "Whooooaaaaaa!" and gave his "Ohhh!" face. We all got a hoot out of it.
The kitchen set isn't Claire's. It's Hudson's...and he can't get enough it. Every morning now when he comes downstairs, he has to play with his kitchen before eating breakfast. Continuing with the girl theme, LollyPop also got Huddy a toy vacuum and a broom. The moment Hudson opened up the vacuum, he couldn't let go of it. The boy loves to clean up - it makes Mom so happy! :-)
Thankfully (for Dad, anyway), it wasn't all cleaning gifts! There were some guy toys too. Hudson's favorite was the toy construction truck...though, he still didn't want to let go of the vacuum.
Hudson also got a fun gift from Aunt Shannon & Uncle Drew. It's a kid's chair that spins round and round. Anderson was apparently well enough to show Hudson how to use it.
The kiddos had a blast getting in the chair and being spun around in it. Getting all of Hudson's presents back home was hard enough, but now the problem is figuring out where to put everything in our house!!
Til next time, hope everyone has a wonderful New Year!!
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